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There are a number of ways you can help this movement.

The most effective is to click on the link and donate whatever amount you can afford.  Five, ten, fifteen dollars. 
Know that a donation of 30 dollars or more will get you a free copy of the game once it is in production. 

The second way you can help out is to share the link to the crowdfunding site on your social media.
The third way to help is to directly message people that you know that you believe will help out.
A paragraph has been prepared with the link and the language.  All you need to do is cut and paste it to a location where you share.  
If anyone has any questions simply send them to me. 

The final way to help is to cut and paste one of the Duck Bucket Duck pictures and make it your profile picture in order to start a conversation. 

Simply cut and past the paragraph below. 

Then you can direct message the paragraph to others and put it on your main page of your social media. 


Here is exactly what we are asking, go to the following link 

and donate.

A donation as small as ten dollars can make a big difference in getting the company started. Then we ask you to post the paragraph below on your social media and send the paragraph to ten friends and ask them to send it to ten friends. And so on and so on. You can also steal the duck picture and make it your profile picture to get others to inquire.

The cut and past paragraph


Send to ten friends and then ask them to send it to ten friends:

Some friends of mine are trying to help the unhoused.
They have created a game for sale with all the proceeds going to helping those in need.
The start-up capital from this crowdsourcing project will start production.
Anyone donating $30 or more will receive a free copy of the game once production starts.
Clink the link below and donate.
Then post it on your social media.
Steal the duck picture and make it your profile picture to start people talking.
We then ask that you send this paragraph to ten friends and ask them to donate and send it to ten friends. And so on, and so on.

Take the image and post it on your social media locations

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